
The Logic of Bobby Tarantino II: A Review

Bobby Tarantino II Album Cover

Written by Kevin Bessey
Chief Music Writer
Images courtesy of Getty Images.
Cover Image courtesy of Visionary Music Group and Def Jam Recordings, or the graphic artist(s).

Logic recently released his mixtape Bobby Tarantino II. The album is a turn up party album. He continues to preach the necessity of treating everybody with equality as he brags about how much money he’s made because of the success of 2017’s Everybody.

Overall the album is fun and technically impressive. Although, it’s not as initially catchy as Logic’s prior work.

Logic, via Getty Images
Thanks to Getty Images, we see our boy Logic here cheesin’ on stage. Can you see the emotional depth emanating from that smile?

Lyrically the album lacks some of his prior emotional depth. That, to me, brings up an interesting question. If an artist has built a career out of emotional depth and intensity, is it logical for that artist to release a mixtape that seems surface?

Notice, that I didn’t say that what Logic did is wrong.

Artists are multifaceted and can do what they feel is best on an album and in the development of their sound and lyrical depth. Logic wants to be surface on this album he makes that clear with the opening narration by Rick and Morty. But, it’s unclear that this is a good move in terms of his image.

Logic has developed a loyal fan base through dealing with intense topics. That argument isn’t only in reference to his hit song about suicide. He’s dealt with the intense environment in which he was raised throughout his prior albums and mixtapes. Even Bobby Tarantino I has some emotional depth with tracks like 44 Bars.

Those fans who come to Bobby Tarantino II expecting that emotional depth to carry them through difficulty will be disappointed.

From my perspective Logic’s new album also falters a little in terms of catchiness. Granted, I only gave the album two thorough listens. Indica Badu and Overnight are pretty memorable. But, besides that, the album was kind of lacking, in my opinion.

Logic performs on stage, via Getty Images.
‘Has anyone seen the emotions and catchiness from Bobby T 1? Cuz…I haven’t.’ – Logic, presumably. Thanks Getty Images.

So, did I like the album?

Yeah, I like Logic’s stuff. I like his carefree attitude. Is it technically impressive? Absolutely. I just hope that those listening to it don’t take the drugs and carefree attitude to an extreme.

After all, some of these kids have seriously considered suicide. They may not have the same stability as Logic.


Check out Logic on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if you do that social media stuff as well.