TV & Film

Last Christmas: A George Michael Hallmark Special

The surprise of the movie is that there is *more* George Michael than I expected.

Hallmark Christmas Hour

Did you know this is the 10th anniversary of Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas? Take it from me, they’ve been churning out schmaltz for the life of the channel, they just made it an event in 2010. Honestly the way Hallmark took over the Brand™ of Christmas movies should be a lesson in marketing. Some of my favorites were born on The Family Channel (which would then be renamed Fox Family, and ABC Family, and Freeform) like The Christmas List, Christmas Every Day, Christmas Do-Over (I’m a sucker for time loops). But when people see yet another beautiful hard working single woman take a break from the big city life to go home to her tastefully middle class parents that just don’t understand her career to fall in love with the small town boy working at the bakery, or coffee shop, or dog shelter…they think Hallmark Channel.

And I watch them all.

There is just something so relaxing after watching horror movies everyday for an entire month and while Oscar-baity movies are flooding the theaters to just watch movies because I can, not because I have to. I enjoy movies, and I enjoy reviewing them, but it’s nice not having to nit-pick and critique. Movies around this holiday time are about feeling good. Believing in love. And spreading Christmas cheer (by singing loud for all to hear).

This Christmas, I’ll Give You My Heart

Which brings us to Last Christmas. It is an above average Hallmark Christmas movie that you can snuggle up next to someone in a theater to watch. Emilia Clarke is cute, Henry Golding is dashing, Emma Thompson is bringing the comic relief; it is a joy.

Kate (Clarke) was supposed to be someone, born with a talent for singing and a great mind. But her family is forced to emigrate to London and she is struck with a heart condition forcing emergency surgery. She miraculously pulls through but leaves a part of herself on the operating table. She now skates through life from couch to couch, ignoring her concerned mother, and barely getting by at her job at a year-round Christmas shop. Until one day when a strange new boy teaches her to look up and enjoy life around her.

Give it to Someone Special

Last Christmas is best watched together. It’s probably less of a rom-com than you might expect, but don’t worry. There is still a healthy will they/won’t they and flirting. It gets obligatorily preachy at points, but it is a Christmas movie. We could use getting preached a bit to. Especially in a love your neighbor kind of way. Maybe reach out with a little kindness to anyone alone in your theater when watching this. Because this is a date movie. They are probably very sad if they ventured into this one by themselves.

Save Me From Tears

Last Christmas is the first Christmas release of the year. If you are the kind to start singing carols before the jack-o-lanterns have collapsed, then you’re also probably the kind to be excited for a new holiday movie. Check it out. Bring someone special. Cry and laugh and feel great about humanity. Because that’s exactly the kind of heart these Christmas movies give us.

Last Summer Henry Golding gave us all his heart when he co-starred in Crazy Rich Asians. We reviewed it! Click the link!