TV & Film

8 Classic Movies to Stream in Self-Quarantine that Let You See the World

You’ve already watched Tiger King and binged Love is Blind. But that was back on Day 3 of self-isolating COVID-19 self-quarantine. Now what? 

If you’re struggling to find a movie to cure your coronavirus cabin fever, might I make some suggestions? When you feel like the four walls of your tiny apartment are closing in, take a journey to faraway places with some classic cinema that you’ll actually be proud to say you’ve watched (no offense, Love is Blind). In a sense, break down the walls of your own sound stage, just like these movies did by venturing out to actual film locations (too much of a stretch? Eh, well, I’ve got cabin fever too).

For a movie not to be shot on a sound stage or Hollywood set was a big deal back in the day. From those movies that did take production into the unknown, we get these stunning masterpieces that give us a mini world tour as we sit on our couches stress eating the tenth batch of cookies we’ve made since lockdown.

Whether you’re in self-quarantine, under stay-at-home orders, sheltering in place, or just being a good world citizen and social distancing yourself, here’s your classic movie watchlist to #takemeaway.

1. Roman Holiday

(Stream on Amazon Prime)

Be a tourist with Audrey Hepburn as she escapes her high strung, princess life to live one day exactly the way she wants. Ah, to have the freedom to go roam around Rome with Gregory Peck on a Vespa. You’ll see some of Rome’s main attractions like the Colosseum, the Spanish Steps, and the Bocca della Verità or the Mouth of Truth, made famous from this movie (do I sound like a tour guide, yet?).

2. The African Queen

(Stream on Amazon Prime)

Before you see Jungle Cruise this summer (or once movie theaters open their doors again), check out one of the classic inspirations behind the movie’s aesthetic. Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn take you on a wild river ride down white-water rapids and through a bug-ridden swamp that makes you glad you’re not in self-quarantine there…or with Katherine Hepburn.

3. Funny Face

(Stream on Amazon Prime)

Here’s another Audrey Hepburn classic film that takes you to some of the most iconic sites in Paris, France. You know, back when the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower were open to the public.

4. The Sound of Music

(Stream on Disney+)

The first shot alone will transport you to a wide-open world as you dramatically sweep onto Maria’s hilltop among the Austrian Alps. It might be one of my favorite movie openings for the sheer magnitude of it. But even beyond that, this movie has some amazing settings that are almost as magical as Julie Andrews’ voice.

5. A Room with a View

(Stream on Hulu)

This movie offers quintessential escapism to the Tuscan countryside. You may recognize the title from The Office‘s Finer Things Club. Now see the movie behind the book (behind the TV show reference). Plus, it’s got a young Helena Bonham Carter, who is always a delight.

6. From Russia with Love

(Stream on Amazon Prime)

Bond is back on Prime, thank goodness! If you don’t want to trudge through all 24 films before November, I recommend starting with the best of the Sean Connery Bonds (in my humble opinion). From Russia with Love takes you to Turkey, Venice, Serbia, and beyond, all in one suave, Scottish package.

7. Doctor Zhivago

(Rent on Amazon Video)

Speaking of Russia, with all the time in the world you can finally watch this epic love story. The scenery in some shots is stunningly picturesque from this flick that narrowly missed out on best picture. Nothing says social distancing quite like Omar Shariff and Julie Christie self-isolating (dare I say, “ice-solating“) themselves in the movie’s iconic ice palace.

8. Lawrence of Arabia

(Rent on Amazon Video)

My personal fav after Sound of Music, this movie is INCREDIBLE (see my previous review of it here). The desolate African and Arabian landscape acts almost as a character itself, akin to Lawrence’s isolation as a hero without a home. It’s breathtaking and one of the best movies you’ll ever watch. Period.

Self-Quarantine and Stay Safe!

This weekend, stay healthy. Stay home. And stay classy while watching these films that show just how beautiful this world can be.

Looking for more self-quarantine goodness? Check out our review on Kevin Bessey’s timely album The Patient and the Q&A as well!