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Q&A with Tiffany Rhodes – Director and Screenwriter

She’s bold. She’s fearless. And she’s taking Hollywood by storm. We sat down with director and screenwriter Tiffany Rhodes to get the scoop on her latest projects. She gained some recent recognition for her film Collision, which went on to win the Best Writing award at the 2019 Top Indie Film Awards.

All eyes are on her upcoming short film, The Blackbird Interviews, premiering exclusively on YouTube on August 8, 2019 at 8 PM. The film centers around four women in a psychiatric hospital in 1982 all claiming to be the same woman. Yeah, she won’t shy away from the gritty, physiologically thrilling stories. And we love that.

Her next feature film, Matilde, will be starring Ryan Kwanten from the hot series True Blood on HBO.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Our Interview with Tiffany Rhodes

Emily: Thanks for sitting down with InQua! First off, what got you interested in filmmaking? How did you get your foot in the door as a director and award-winning screenwriter? (Congrats, by the way on Collision‘s recent best writing award!)

Tiffany: Thank you. You know, those are tricky but good questions. I imagine thousands of both big and small choices led me here.

What comes to mind first is how I see this life we are in, here on earth. I have been writing since I could and never stopped. It’s how I understand myself, others, and partially satisfy my curiosity. I guess, I just never outgrew playing imaginary games.

Emily: I think that’s a huge talent, and definitely makes for more interesting storytelling. What stories in particular are you drawn to tell?

Tiffany: You know, can you ask me again in ten years? I have an idea but as soon as I think I have a grasp on it, something shifts or opens into a wider berth and I’m left shocked yet assured there are things at work beyond me.

But generally, I love humor, darkness, metaphors, and teasing the hell out of an audience.

I have been writing since I could and never stopped. It’s how I understand myself, others, and partially satisfy my curiosity. I guess, I just never outgrew playing imaginary games.

Tiffany Rhodes

Emily: Many of the actors who have worked with you have talked about your collaborative process where you don’t just dictate the entire scene, but let the actors bring their ideas to the table and let it play out. Is it difficult for you to give up that control? What would you say are the results of such a collaborative process?

Tiffany: I aim to work with people both cast and crew that take their craft seriously. It’s ultimately up to me to bring the film together but it’s important to surround yourself with smart, assertive artists that have a strong handle on their role.

With actors, I spend a lot of time just talking about life and their role in the project. It’s important that together we see the path forward to breathe air into the character.

Tiffany Rhodes headshot

As far as the overall direction of the film, that is not something  I’m willing to collaborate on because that would be total chaos with no one in charge. And quite frankly it’s something I feel so strongly about it’s not ever suggested by the cast that we make changes.

I’ve been extremely fortunate to work with respectful people who believe in my stories. Instead, I invest individually and empower these professionals to take ownership of their art.

The only exception would be the work I’ve done with Ryan Kwanten on my feature film Matilde. He was critical in the development of the story and teaching me so much along the way. The film is about a female director and her relationship with the star of her film. There is a trippy true crime story involved and it’s enlightening while disturbing all at the same time. 

Emily: We can’t wait for it! What advice would you have for young writers or filmmakers about bringing their own stories to life?

Tiffany: Tell the truth. Mix in your secrets you’re afraid to share. Add layers. And don’t wait for millions of dollars before you make a film. Like Buddha, Nike, or Shia LaBeouf said, “Just do it.” 

Emily: Lastly, you totally seem like a super mom, having this awesome career in film while raising your kids! What do you hope to teach your kids about the lessons you’ve learned in this industry?

Tiffany: They have seen me from conception to premiere and seen that I truly devote myself to filmmaking. They are really proud of me, it’s not something I expected to feel from my own small children but they are. I hope I teach them to take action, self-belief and the power of choice.

But they do hate that none of my movies are appropriate for them to watch, I’ve promised a family movie and the story is in the works but it might just stay in-house with us. I did something really right to share my life with these two amazing humans.

Don’t wait for millions of dollars before you make a film. Like Buddha, Nike, or Shia LaBeouf said, “Just do it.” 

Tiffany Rhodes

Emily: We can’t wait to see all that you do next! Thanks again for taking the time to let us prod your brain!

Find Tiffany on social media and don’t miss The Blackbird Interviews, premiering on YouTube August 8, 2019 at 8 PM. Viewers can chat with Tiffany and the cast during the premiere! (See steps below for watching it.)


Instagram: @itstiffanyrhodes



Subscribe to Tiffany’s YouTube page to check out The Blackbird Interviews premiere this August 8!

How to Watch The Blackbird Interviews

The Blackbird Interviews film poster
Check out the premiere and ask Tiffany any of your questions!

If you’re using a desktop/laptop:

YouTube has made this pretty easy! All you need to do is click on this link, then click the button “SET REMINDER.”

If you’re using a mobile device:

If you’re on your phone you will need to download the YouTube app and follow the same link before clicking “SET REMINDER.”

Android users:

iPhone users:

Once you set a reminder, the film will premiere on this link. Viewers can start interacting through Comments and Live Chat before and during the premiere.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Tiffany’s YouTube channel! This is just the beginning.