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Kelly Dowdle, actress and philanthropist

Q&A with Actress Kelly Dowdle

A few weeks ago we posted an interview with a young actress, Madison Fitts. Madison was in New York City, graduated from NYU, and moved to LA. We decided to do another interview for the flip side. Kelly Dowdle landed a role in 2006’s Big Momma’s House, yet she has recently starred in big projects including American Crime Story, GLOW, Scandal Made Me Famous, and Lucifer. She recently did the opposite of Madison, and moved from Los Angeles to New York City. We checked in with her, learned a bit about her life, and asked how she’s enjoying life in the big apple!


Actress Kelly Dowdle
Enjoy getting to know Kelly Dowdle!

Tristan: Let’s learn about you a little first. Where did you grow up? What were your interests growing up?

Kelly: I grew up in Texas with an older brother. I was super into sports! I played volleyball and then started modeling when I was 14. I discovered acting in college after accidentally booking a commercial.

Tristan: Accidentally booking a commercial?!? Is that where your desire to act come from?

Kelly: I always loved old Hollywood actresses because I like to think I have an old soul. I remember one time in middle school they had a tryout to be on the drama team. I tried out and I remember falling in love with the ability to express myself through acting. I got to be somebody different for those few moments. As a 16 year old, that was a nice break from being a hormonal adolescent female.

Tristan: It’s a wonder any of us make it past our teens! Did you know anyone in the business before deciding on acting as a career?

Kelly: I didn’t actually. I started this journey all on my own. Recently I’ve found out I have a couple cousins in the industry. It must run in my blood.

Tristan: Tell me a little about school. Where did you attend? How did you like it? Do you feel it gives you an advantage over those who never attended school for acting?

Kelly: I went to the University of Texas at Austin and started out as a Radio/Television/Film Major and then transferred to Communications because it was way too hard ha ha. I was very ready to get my college degree and waited to LA as soon as I possibly could!

Tristan: Well good on you for sticking it out for a degree and getting out here then. What was life like after graduation? Were your contacts from school helpful in getting your first roles?

Kelly: I graduated from college in 3 1/2 years. That’s a little early since I knew I wanted to get to LA. By the time I arrived in Los Angeles I had already done a couple independent feature films. That was enough experience under my belt to then get a manager. Looking back, those films I did in college were very helpful in getting me established in LA.

Tristan: You may have already covered this, but how did you find a good mentor? Would you recommend finding a mentor early on?

Kelly: I think it’s really important to have a mentor in the industry. There are a lot of female actresses that I look up to, the greatest being Meryl Streep. I also had the opportunity to sit down with Shirley McClain. If I can have a career like those women, I will be a happy gal.

Tristan: Those are some great role models, and I sure hope you do have a career like theirs! You recently moved to NYC from Los Angeles. What prompted the move? How do the two cities compare?

Kelly: I needed an energy shift from LA. I really believe in trusting your intuition and knowing when it’s time to make a move and when it’s not. I just felt really drawn to New York. The city was calling my name. New York is a great place to really launch your career because it requires hard work and tons of hustle. Although a lot of the business is in LA, it’s best to show up to work as an established actress. I feel like in New York you put in the time and work to get to where you need to be. There’s also no better way to learn the craft of acting than to do theatre. You have to be able to walk the walk and talk the talk.

Kelly Dowdle and Jason Tobias in "Open Marriage"
Kelly in Open Marriage (2017) with costar Jason Tobias.

Tristan: Looking over your credits, you’ve had varied roles and been on some big name shows as of late. Can you talk about how you landed your favorite roles and what you’ve learned about auditions, the process, and getting on bigger shows?

Kelly: I have learned a few things. One is that I am not the best at auditioning. I really truly believe that is an art in and of itself. I also learned that I believe in the casting process. If you are cast into a certain role appropriately then it can be magical. I got a couple of those reels because I self-submitted on the project. I can’t stress enough for people to put in as many hours a week as they do their normal job for self-submitting. Do whatever you can do to get into a room because no one’s going to do it for you.

Tristan: What’s coming up soon? What are you looking forward to? Big auditions? Landed any new roles?

Kelly: I’ve just giving myself some time to get acclimated to New York. I’m very excited and eager to get in the rooms here, get on stage soon, and put in the work!

Tristan: With Oscar season fast approaching, what have been some of your favorite movies you’ve seen this year?

Kelly: A Star Is Born, Boy Erased… two must sees!

Kelly Dowdle, Actress

I saw both and loved both (and put up a review of A Star is Born), so you’ve got great taste in movies.

Thanks again Kelly, and keep us in the loop as things take off in NYC!